Happy New Year, sweet friends! I know I say this every January, but it’s hard to believe another year has gone by!
In my personal life, 2018 was definitely a year of growth. I turned 30, lost my dad to a lifelong battle with alcoholism, mended some relationships, and worked hard to find peace both in my life and within myself. I also went on some fun trips with my family to waterparks, beaches, and Chicago, saw some amazing concerts like Taylor Swift and Fall Out Boy, cheered my boys on all year long in sports, had an epic summer of baseball watching my youngest son’s team make it to the state championship, bought a new Jeep, chopped my hair, and decided to make my 30’s the best, healthiest, and happiest years I’ve had yet.
Professionally, I had some really fun and exciting opportunities and also pushed myself way outside my comfort zone a few times, which is never an easy thing for me to do! After 6 years of writing and creating Love Grows Wild, I finally gave the blog a big, grown-up makeover and made the entire site not only more functional and easier to navigate for you guys, but also feel so much more like “me”. I worked a lot on my little home decor shop and started doing monthly markets with an amazing group of women who also have shops next to mine. I was invited to speak at a local event for women, which scared the living daylights out of me, but also gave me the opportunity to connect with some truly inspiring women and boss ladies in my community and prove to myself that I can do ANYTHING… including share my passion for homemaking and design in front of a ballroom full of people. I flew out to Nebraska as a guest at my first vintage market, Junkstock, and had so much fun getting to sell my book and meet some of you! A Touch of Farmhouse Charm continues to do well in book sales, and it will never cease to amaze me when I see the little book I created in your homes being used and enjoyed!
I can’t give away anything yet, but I have a feeling 2019 will bring some very exciting opportunities into our lives and also here on the blog. Just cross your fingers and send some positive thoughts my way that everything goes the way I hope! Before we close out the year, I wanted to take a look back on 2018 and recap the TOP 10 BLOG POSTS that you all loved most! I love doing this each year because it gives me such a good idea of what you guys like to see and what I should do more of in 2019! I’d love if you guys would leave me a comment on this post too telling me what you’d like to see most on LGW this year!
1 | Favorite Gray Paint Colors
2 | Christmas in the Living Room
3 | Natural Skin Care Routine
4 | 12 Ways to Style Kitchen Counters
5 | Favorite White Paint Colors
6 | Welcome to our Farmhouse this Christmas
7 | Our Living Room over the Years
8 | Easy Coleslaw
9 | More Seating in the Living Room
10 | A New Look & Lighting in the Dining Room

Thank you never seems like enough to express how grateful I am for you following along and supporting Love Grows Wild, but thank you SO much from the bottom of my heart! Cheers to an amazing 2019 for you and your family! xoxo Liz
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Liz I love your blog and always get excited when you pop up in my email with a post. I am so happy for you that your book is doing so well. I need to get a copy. Are you selling it in your shop? I would love an autograph copy. I so relate to your love of neutrals in your decor. May you have lots more exciting opportunities in the new year. Wishing you more success with our dreams and good health and happiness and most of all finding joy in every day.
Hugs and Happy New Year.
Thank you so much, sweet friend! Here’s a link to where you can purchase my book: https://lovegrowswild.com/a-touch-of-farmhouse-charm/ and I also have autographed copies available in my shop in Indiana (you can find details here). Happy New Year, Kris!
I understand complicated grief. If you ever want to talk about it, you have my email. Your new hair cut looks great, and congratulations on your career advancements. Cath.
Thank you, looking forward to 2019 and what it will bring. Happy New Year!!
I love your blog, and your style!! I would say more of the same, and always more white!!
Happy New Years ?❤️?
Happy new year and happy 30s! I felt so sad for you when you divorced but I ended a 34 year marriage 16 years ago and my life has gotten better and better every day. I just loved your N.Y. blog listing all of the changes you’ve made. I love your house, your dog and your “toughness”. I turned 70 last summer and I’m looking forward to every minute of my 70s. You go girl!
I adore your blog & all the photos of how you rearrange & decorate your home. I decorate very similar to you so my most favorite part of your blog is the photos of your home(which is BEAUTIFUL) and your stories. I also fell in love with your DIY bench, so my husband made me one for Christmas. I still am looking for the bench cushion because it says it can’t be delivered to my zip code area, but I’ll find one.
Thanks for making my day brighten up when I see that I have an email from your blog!
You’re awesome!!
Thank you for sharing such amazing stuff with us. Eagerly waiting for more such amazing things this year as well!