A new year, and a new me! After indulging in lots of wonderful holiday treats last month, I am MORE than ready to get back on the healthy eating bandwagon! In all honesty, I normally don’t eat that bad anyway, but it’s been awhile since I’ve had a good fitness routine, and what better time to start than now!
Me and exercise… we don’t get along so much. I used to go through stages where I would try out the latest “fad” work out (Tae Bo anyone?), and then get burnt out really quickly. As I get older, I realize more and more that it isn’t about a quick fix, it’s about choosing a healthy lifestyle. That means giving myself small goals like incorporating more vegetables into my diet or drinking more water… not some strict 1200 calorie diet or promising myself to work out 7 days a week. I don’t kick myself when I have the occasional cookie or pasta (which, let’s be honest, still happens pretty frequently!), but I make better choices when I can and work out as often as possible.
So what am I trying new for 2014?
Well #1 has to be the green smoothies I mentioned yesterday. I’ve tried them here and there in the past, but I’ve found a combination of ingredients that tastes great (you really cannot taste the spinach!) and gives me a ton of energy! I feel full and satisfied, and I know I’m getting a huge boost of vitamins, which is necessary during these yucky winter months! It’s official, I’m green smoothie obsessed.
I’m also getting back into my P90X dvd’s, which we did to get in shape for our wedding and LOVED. As a girl, I never did much weight training or understood the importance of it, but wow, what a difference it makes! I used to think that jumping on a treadmill for 20 minutes qualified as a good workout, but ladies I’m telling you, get yourself some weights!
These healthy lifestyle choices do wonders to make me feel good about myself and give a huge boost to my energy, but I still can’t start my day without a nice, big cup of coffee! I wake up extra early each morning just so I can enjoy my first cup while the kids are still sleeping soundly, and it gives me just the charge I need to tackle the day!
Were you wondering why on Earth I was holding a coffee mug on a yoga mat while lifting a set of weights? No I’m not simultaneously caffeinating while working out, I’m joining this month’s Dunkin’ Donuts Mug Up Photo Challenge! #dunkinmugup
Dunkin’ Donuts is inviting their fellow coffee lovers to “Mug Up” and upload a photo of themselves with their favorite mug of coffee for a chance to win some fantastic prizes, including a year’s worth of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee, a $250 Visa® gift card or a Dunkin’ Donuts coffee mug! Sounds fun right?
Each month will feature a new theme for the photo contest, and Dunkin’ Donuts is celebrating the month of January by asking you to upload a photo of yourself getting fit with your daily coffee here. A simple selfie will do or you can get as creative as you’d like! Show off your awesome yoga moves, your giant biceps, or those six pack abs along with your favorite mug of coffee. Whatever gets you fit and charged for the day!
I would love to see some of my awesome readers win these fun Dunkin’ Donuts prizes, so be sure to stop back by next month to see what the new Mug Up Photo Challenge will be!
Whether it’s simulation surfing or candlelight yoga, Dunkin’ Donuts wants to see how you plan to get charged in 2014. Upload a photo of yourself charging up with your daily coffee and launching a new hobby here for a chance to win prizes!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Dunkin’ Donuts . The opinions and text are all mine.
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