I feel like no matter how long we’ve lived in this house, my brain is always thinking of ways to rearrange and redesign our home. Sometimes a room needs a better layout and flow, sometimes… [Continue Reading]
Christmas Entryway
It’s hard to believe that we’re less than a week away from Christmas now, but I think I’m just about ready. I have a few stocking stuffers to pick up, my mom and I are… [Continue Reading]
Painted Mantel Makeover
Now that all the Christmas decorations are finished around the house, this week I was finally able to tackle some projects that have been waiting for some attention. I spotted this mantel months ago at… [Continue Reading]
Fall into Home Tour | Our Entryway
Welcome to my little farmhouse, sweet friends. As you step through the door, this entryway is the first thing you see, so I always try to make this space feel cozy and inviting. The changing… [Continue Reading]
A Mini Office in the Entryway
A few weeks ago, I shared some changes in our entryway that all started with a little bit of spring decorating and ended up snowballing into hours of projects and furniture rearranging. This space has… [Continue Reading]
A Cozy Farmhouse Entryway
Do you ever start on one little project, and it ends up leading into fifteen others? That’s exactly what happened to me last week! Ever since I put away the Christmas decorations, the armoire in our entryway… [Continue Reading]